The PEACE GAMES catalogue is a selection of 55 interesting digital and analog games relevant to teaching and learning peace and peace-oriented competences. The games have been identified by the Consortium partners in different European countries on the basis of their relevance and classified for game-based learning.
The catalogue is a tool that can be used in a flexible way, to find inspiration and ideas on possible games to propose in formal and informal educational contexts. The choice can be based on one of the themes and you can try out the various games proposed, choosing those that best suit your needs. Or you can choose games that deal with different themes, to build your own path of exploration. Obviously, classification by age, duration and language can help in identifying the games that can best contribute to developing the desired competences and best meet one’s needs.
To support schools teachers in designing a learning program in education of peace and citizenship, the Peace Games project also includes a set of learning paths based on the Catalogue games. The structure of the learning paths for pupils entails different learning activities: digital or analogical games, but also movies, collective reflections, learning materials, including contextualised problems and questions i.e. by embedding the experiences held in each classroom in the field of ‘activities. Then, there are also included some suggestions related both to the national scenario and learners’ characteristics and preferences, as well as a full set of indicators from RFCDC, useful to build the assessment framework. Suggested learning paths can be found in the last pages of the catalogue. The learning paths are classified by themes:
During the first semester of the project the team identified 120 games, following some agreed criteria. Find out more consulting the Report Peace Games review and classification (IO.1).
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Are you interested in testing and playing the Peace Games in your school or in your educational contexts?
Do not hesitate to contact us at!
Why are we asking you to contact us?
Here’s why! The Peace Games catalogue and the learning paths are online and you can freely download them, but we can provide you with much more material, such as: Students evaluation guidelines, Support in planning the activities, Suggestions from experienced Peace Games users (teachers and educators), teachers feedback template and much more!
The Peace Games project aims to contribute to the development of citizenship, democratic and social competences by using the full potential of creativity through game-based learning in formal and informal learning.
Peace Games originated within the Laboratory for Education Inspiring Peace and as an Erasmus + project responds to the need of offering advice and orientation to the education community and to individual learners, by developing a structured review of existing games, based on a qualified analysis of learning objectives achievable, and a community hub to engage on peace-oriented online and offline games.
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