On April 23-24, 2024, the second international project meeting of the CERV project GOTALK took place in Reggio Emilia. The IIHL and the other partners shared pilot experiences and discussed inclusiveness, sustainability, and policy impact in children’s activity on participation. They focused on re-planning and re-contextualizing methods for the second year to prepare for cross-border piloting. Currently, partners are analyzing first-year data to refine methods and re-plan. This aims to develop a structured plan for transferring experiences to partners and interested actors, supported by focus groups and interviews with territorial actors. The involvement of local and international stakeholders remains crucial for needs assessment, activity evaluation, and future planning.
The workshop, hosted by the Grenoble-Alpes-Métropole, foresees a day of stimulating discussions centered around the theme of “Co-designing Local Integration Policies as an Experiment of Participatory Democracy“.
Throughout the day, participants will have the opportunity to actively engage in a series of thought-provoking sessions designed to foster dialogue, share insights, and co-create innovative solutions. From the introductory sessions to participatory policy-making and peer learning moments dedicated to local elected representatives, the workshop will encourage active participation and interaction among all attendees.
Participants will be able to enjoy further exchanges during the buffet lunch and a social dinner in the evening. In the mean time, you can check the travel and stay advice document, where you will find a series of suggestions for your time in Grenoble
Please note that the venue will be communicated to registered participants via email closer to the event date. If interested, you are kindly invited to register by May 20, 2024.
On March 13,the Multiplier Event “Children acting for wellbeing in an open-school” took place in Venissieux, France.During the Multiplier Event, several speakers from Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, France and Malta took the floor to share their experiences on conflict transformation in educational contexts. The ME also included a World Cafè Session which included tables:
“1) how to open the collaboration between schools and parents? 2) how to open the school to the city and bring back the city into school?”. The session allowed for new insights and inputs for the project and for its future developments.
The Litigare a Scuolapartnership gathered in Lyonon March 12-13 for the 5th Transnational Project Meeting of the project. During the meeting, partners discussed the finalisation of the Guidelines for a Whole School Approach to Pupils Quarrelling and the next steps of the Policy Labs, which will take place in Italy, Romania, Croatia and Malta. Partners who already conducted the policy labs updated the others on their development.
Throughout the meeting, the final preparation of the Multiplier Event, which took place the day after the TPM, was also discussed.
The LICEAL partners gathered in Istanbulon 21st and 22nd of Marchfor the 4th Transnational Meeting of the project.The meeting served to further implement the project activities, especially for what concerns the production of the document “Empowering adults: life, career path, and active citizen – practice-oriented guidance for educators” and of the document “Support toolkit for Integrated (Citizenship and Employability) Learning”, which will be publicly available in the next months.The meeting also served to lay the foundations for the policy labs sessions, which will take place in Italy, France, Turkey, Spain and Austria at the end of 2024.
Riportare la scuola alla sua vocazione di emancipazione e inclusione è possibile, con un lavoro paziente e intelligente.
Sabato 27 gennaio si è tenuto a Milano il secondo Policy Lab italiano, che ha accolto un gruppo di insegnanti, dirigenti scolastici, educatori, giornalisti.
Solo una lettura collettiva della realtà scolastica può permettere di acquisire una sana consapevolezza: cambiare la scuola non è impossibile, non dobbiamo cambiare tutto, non dobbiamo rimuovere tutte le crepe del sistema, possiamo riempire le crepe con l’oro – come la pratica del Kintsugi,una tecnica di restauro ideata alla fine del 1400 dai vasai giapponesi.
Cosa resta davvero del nostro laboratorio politico?
The European School-based Cultural Production Festival achieved remarkable success on Thursday 29th February 2024. The multicultural and youth-centered event took place in Sanremo at the Cinema Teatro Centrale Tabarin from 3.00 pm to 6.30 pm.
The multiplier event was organised by the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (Sanremo, Italy) in the framework of the ERASMUS+ project PERFECT – “PERForming and Sharing of Local Histories ProjECT”.The project (2021 – 2024) represents a unique opportunity for the students of the school involved and for local communities to explore and share their own stories and cultural heritage. The main objective of the project is the promotion of an innovative approach to multiculturalism in the context of secondary education, pursued by proposing an approach based on collaborative cultural production and intercultural exchange among young people. The final goal is therefore the development of key transversal skills such as awareness and interculturality, active citizenship, multilingualism, digital skills, entrepreneurship and sociality. During the initiative, the five european schools partner of the project, coming from four European countries (Austria, Malta, Romania, Italy) staged original artistic performances including theatrical, dance and musical performances. The creation of these cultural products included several phases of research in the fields of history, literature, art history, music, performing arts and digital skills, all conducted by students in their respective countries.
Each of the representations focused on the story of one or more key historical figures for the cultural development of his/her society, in a context of sharing, learning and enhancement of existing cultural diversity. Meeting on stage all together was a memorable and sharing moment for all participants, including the students who performed. During the event, students coming from different European countries had the opportunity to connect, which allowed them to get insights on other cultures, identifying differences and similarities.
The PERFECT project is coordinated by the Istituto Comprensivo G. Lucatelli of Tolentino (Italy)in collaboration with the nearby IIS F. Filelfo (Italy), the International Institute of Humanitarian Law of Sanremo, the non-governmental organization Innovate4Future (Romania), the Centrul pentru Solutii Educationale Avansate – Colegiul National Sfantul Sava (Romania), the Stichting International Parents Alliance – IPA (Netherlands), the Organising Bureau of European School Student Union (Belgium), the Ministry of Education of Malta, the Borg Dreierschützengasse of Graz (Austria) and the Fondation des Régions Européennes pour la Recherche, l’Education, et la Formation, a network of European regions based in Lyon.
On the 5th of February, the EIP lLaboratory had the chance to speak at a webinar hosted by theCommittee Education for Democracy of the INGO conference of the Council of Europe.
The webinar, which focused on citizenship education, featured Ekaterina Efimenko from the European Trade Union Committee for Education ETUCE-CSEE presenting the #CONVINCE project, and Claudio Dondi, Irene Baraldi and Alessia Ibba representing the Education Inspiring Peace Laboratory. The webinair represented a chance to present the CITIZED project, concluded in November 2023, its aims and results.
Zentrum POLIS has published its annual report, which offers an insight into the wide-ranging work made by the organization in 2023. The previous year was characterized by the confrontation with crises and the resulting social controversies -the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, Hamas’s terrorist attack on Israel, the energy crisis, the climate emergency, as growing anti-Semitism- Zentrum POLIS included these challenges in the projects.
The EIP Lab presented during the Lifelong Learning Week held in Brussels for highlighted the successful conclusion of the CITIZED project focusing on democratic school development and teacher training. You can read our contribution on pages 10-11!
It is a pleasure for us to announce the new publication -of the CITIZED project- called “D5.1 – Policy recommendations for Citizenship Education” !
This document is produced in the frame of the CITIZED Project (Policy Implementation Support and Teacher Empowerment for CITIZenship Education -ERASMUS + Programme, KA3 Policy Support), which explored the current approaches to Citizenship Education, identified five main challenges already in the first year and organised a series of national and European workshops to collect suggestions on how to address these challenges. This report explains how the 30 recommendations were produced (section 2), presents the list of the resulting recommendations according to the challenges they address (section 3) and finally places the CITIZED Recommendation in the policy context of late 2023, when the project held its final events, one of which fully devoted to the policy results.