We are excited to announce an open call for adult trainers and educators to participate in the project LICEAL – LInking Citizenship and Employability perspectives in Adult Learning strategies and practices, funded by the ERASMUS+ programme. 

The project aims to support adult learners, particularly those facing challenges in the labor market and social marginalization, by developing their social, civic, and relational skills. These skills will enhance their social inclusion, active participation in democratic life, and employability. The key strategic objective of the project is to empower learners to self-assess and undertake personal development projects that contribute to their social inclusion and employability. The project also promotes civic engagement and participation, in line with recent policy initiatives to develop social and relational skills alongside traditional employability skills. Among other outcomes, a digital toolkit for adult learners and guidelines for educators were developed within the project.

The Capacity Building


Date: 9th July
Time: 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM; 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Format: Online
Language: English


This workshop is designed to build a European team of facilitators capable of integrating citizenship and employability competences into adult learning practices. The workshop has two main goals:

1) Sharing and Validating the Digital Toolkit:
The toolkit developed by the project transforms collected knowledge into practical methodological tools for adult learners. It helps learners identify their own learning needs and design personalized learning paths that address both employability and citizenship learning needs in an integrated manner. 
This capacity building will focus mainly on the self-positioning tool on strategic competences empowering the learner both in social and professional life.

2) Sharing and Validating the Educator Guidelines:
The guidelines titled “EMPOWERING ADULTS: LIFE CAREER PATH AND ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP – Practice-oriented guidance for educators” are designed for trainers and educators working with adult learners. These guidelines aim to enhance educators’ competencies in supporting adults through learning paths that link citizenship skills and employability.

During the workshop, both the digital tools and the guidelines will be presented. Participants will have the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions.

The key strategic objective of the project is to empower learners to self-assess and undertake personal development projects that contribute to their social inclusion and employability. The project also promotes civic engagement and participation, in line with recent policy initiatives to develop social and relational skills alongside traditional employability skills.

For questions, contact us at

Registration are open until June 24!

Learn more about the project!

LICEAL started in September 2022 and will last until August 2025. The ultimate goal of the project is to support adult learners, particularly those who face difficulties in the labour market and social marginalisation, to develop social, civic and relational skills which may contribute to their social inclusion and active participation in democratic life as well as to their employability. The relevance of transversal competences – such as cooperation, teamwork, negotiation, sense of initiative and creativity, self-regulation and respect of social norms – is the assumption that the project develops through its activities. Developing the capacity of learners, adequately supported by educators, to self-assess and undertake learning and personal development projects contributing to social inclusion and employability is the key strategic project objective. Encouraging civic engagement and participation is part of the project picture, following recent policy documents to develop social and relational skills together with more classic employability skills, specialised or transversal.