Category Archive News

CITIZED Policy Workshop in Malta

The Policy WorkshopThe challenges to Citizenship Education in Malta” took place in La Valletta, Malta, on November 18. Education officers, teachers, and stakeholders gathered to attend the workshop which included a World Cafè discussion on 5 challenges to Citizenship Education identified by the project. Thanks to the guests contribution, the policy workshop represented a step forward in the development of the CITIZED policy recommendations, which will be available from 2023. 

The policy Workshop in Malta represents only the first of a series of policy workshops which will take place also in Italy, France and Austria.

CITIZED Project Meeting in Malta

On November 17, the CITIZED partnership gathered in La Valletta, Malta, to discuss the development of the project.

Among other issues, the CITIZED Whole School Approach Toolkit was discussed, alongside the creation of a training module for teachers.

Both tools will be soon made available! Stay tuned!

Multiplier Event “Methodological Framework about children arguing at school”

The Multiplier EventMethodological Framework about children arguing at school” took place in Malta in November 15, 2022, as part of the activities of the ERASMUS+ project Arguing at School

For the event, teachers, educators and education officers gathered together to attend the event. The day started with an introduction to the Maltese Educational System by the guest speaker Mr. Patrick Decelis. Afterwards, the partnership and the project were presented. 

Then, Mr. Stephen Camilleri, Education Officer, discussed the topic of conflict resolutions in school, and Mr. Joanathan Portanier Mifsud presented the case study of the Naxxar Induction Hub and the issue of dealing with conflicts in migrant schools.

Afterwards, the partners presented the three methods to deal with conflicts in schools included in the project: Friendship Cards, Litigare Bene, Peer Mediation. The presentation was followed by an analysis of similarities, differences and benefits, leaving also some room for questions and debate. Finally, the meeting ended with a groups session on the challenges of conflicts at school, also enriched by the contributions of invited guests.

The Arguing at School project landed in Malta!

On November 14, the partners of the Arguing at School project attended the third Transnational Project Meeting, which took place in Bugibba, Malta.

During the meeting, the partners finalised the last details of the Multiplier Event of November 15 and went through the first project result: a methodological framework about quarrelling children (2 to 18 years old). The Framework will be soon available on the EIP Lab and project’s website!

The consortium also discussed the other project results development and planned the next meetings. 


Four new Digital Games for Peace

UNESCO MGIEP in collaboration with UNOCT, UNAOC, and UNESCO organised the Digital Games for Peace challenge. In the past eight months, 22 young gamechangers were trained to conceptualise and design digital games aimed to promote peace and prevent violent extremism.


The four games conceptualized are:

1) SLATE: a choice-based narrative adventure, where the player takes the role of three different individuals, each living very different lives, however interconnected through a series of events. The game can be used in support of training interventions addressing powerful stakeholders around the theme of prevention of violent extremism. 

2) All Here: a choice-based narrative social-adventure set in a city that was created to embody a dream. Players solve activities that are based on real-world problems and encourage diversity and inclusivity, inter-generational dialogues, and taking action to promote a culture of peace. 

3) DiverCity: an edutainment multiplayer digital game that helps players engage in an experiential learning journey and explore their own emotions and perceptions. By building a city full of diversity and respect for each identity and belief system, players are invited to develop their own world narratives based on the intercultural and inter-religious understanding they receive through in-game interactions. 

4) Reverse: an adventure game about a young girl belonging to a marginalized community who wishes to change her future for the betterment of humanity by proactively countering different conflicts in her present.


Curious about the games? Click here to find more information!

Interested in discovering more games about peace education? Check our Peace Games Online Catalogue here!

Bright Young Minds: Fifth European Education Summit

On December 1st, the 5th European Education Summit will be hosted. This summit, entitled Bright Young Minds, puts youth and education at its center, giving bright young minds the opportunity to contribute to shaping the future direction of education and training in Europe.

The European Commission believes that young people are the future of Europe and to have them play a central role in shaping its future, European education systems should adapt and change, allowing youth to develop the skills and competencies they need to thrive and innovate.

The summit will include speeches from the President and Vice-President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen and Margaritis Schinas, roundtable discussions and panels. The event will be hosted online, on December 1st 2022, from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm CET. No registration needed, but make sure to check more information about the summit here!

The project “PERForm and sharE loCal hisTories – PERFECT” landed in Bucharest!

On October 24 and 25, the partnership of PERFECT was hosted by the Romanian partner Colegiul National Sfantul Sava in the city of Bucharest for its 2nd Transnational Project Meeting!

All partners gathered in the Romanian capital to share the work they implemented so far with the students involved in the project. From the young dancers of the Filelfo High School (Italy), to the community map created by the students of Borg Dreierschützengasse (Austria), to the theatrical rehearsals of the students of the Colegiul National Sfantul Sava (Romania), to the script created by the Maltese schools involved in the project, partners had the possibility to share through pictures and videos what they are implementing thanks to the project PERFECT. 

The meeting also represented an opportunity to further develop the other Project Results expected, in particular the Conceptual model and competence framework for intercultural cooperative cultural production, the Handbook for School Team Leaders and the Guidelines for schools, teachers and students. 

The website of the project is also work in progress…stay tuned!

The partnership will meet again in person in Graz, Austria in March 2023

To get more information on the project, feel free to contact us at!

Exploring the links: Development cooperation & global citizenship education

On November 24th, the Academic Network for Global Education & Learning (ANGEL) will be hosting the online event ”Exploring the links: Development cooperation & global citizenship education, developed in collaboration with the Global citizenship education programme of Enabel, the Belgian Development Agency. 

Global citizenship education programmes and projects are focused on the educational and pedagogical dimension of global citizenship and the need to implement GCE in schools and universities. Moreover, they address global issues such as global justice and international solidarity. 

This session inquires about the current relevance of the link between the development cooperation sector and GCE and highlights the need to implement GCE in schools and universities.

The event will be hosted via Zoom, on November 24th at 1:00 pm GMT. To receive the access link, registration is mandatory and it is possible to reserve a free ticket on Eventbrite

Four online sessions on education: save the date for eucen’s activities this Autumn!

This November, the European university continuing education network (eucen) is hosting its 2022 Open Fora, which consists of four free online activities, one per each week. The sessions will cover 4 different topics:

    1. Digital Learning – Using technology to access knowledge
    2. Responsible Learning – Connecting with the community
    3. Professional Learning – ULLL as enabler of Talent enhancement
    4. Inclusive Learning – Building a world where everyone is welcome

Week 1 | Thursday, 03 November 2022: Digital Learning – Using technology to access knowledge

Week 2 | Thursday, 10 November 2022: Responsible Learning – Connecting with the community

Week 3 | Thursday 17 November 2022: Professional Learning – ULLL as enabler of Talent enhancement

Week 4 | Thursday 24 November 2022: Inclusive Learning – Building a world where everyone is welcome

Each activity will be hosted online, every Thursday in November starting at 3:15 pm CET.


Important info here! The activities are free, but registration is mandatory. In case you are interested, register online to be invited to the sessions.

Session three can also be followed in person in Barcelona! Click here to learn more about this possibility and about the 2022 eucen Autumn Seminar! 

SOLIDAR & SOLIDAR Foundation Thematic Conference about Peace Education

On 8th of November, SOLIDAR & SOLIDAR Foundation will present their work about Peace Education as a tool for achieving learning and sustainable societies. They will be hosting a panel discussion where experts, CSOs and decision makers will discuss the main outcomes of their Policy Paper on Peace and Global Citizenship Education.  

SOLIDAR & SOLIDAR Foundation will hold the Thematic Conference at the European Parliament in Brussels from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm CEST, but attending via videoconferencing will also be possible. 

Registration is mandatory. In case you are interested, register via this registration form!