Category Archive News

LICEAL: first in-person Kick off meeting in Lyon!

From the 12th to the 13th of January, the LICEAL consortium attended its first in person Kick-off Meeting in Lyon, France, hosted by Pole Emploi, Auvegner-Rhone-Alpes district.

The meeting was aimed at building a common and integrated vision of the project and its main outcomes.

During the event, the consortium set a reference system for evaluating the relevance of transversal competences and soft skills to the project’s objective to conduct an analytical review of Adult Learning strategies and practices linking Citizenship and Employability learning outcomes.  

The exchange of knowledge and experience between the partners contributed to create a collaborative and inspiring environment and a solid and clear action plan for the next months.

With the occasion, partners reviewed together each one’s role in the implementation of all the project’s actions, envisaging the creation of a Support Toolkit for Integrated Citizenship and Employability, of Educators Guidelines & policy guide box for Integrated Design of Citizenship and Employability Adult Learning Paths and future Policy Labs and Recommendations.

The SOLIDAR Foundation’s Manifesto for Peace Education as a public good

The SOLIDAR Foundation has published a declaration of joint advocacy, titled “Manifesto for Peace Education as a public good”. 

The manifesto, inspired by the events that Europe and the world are currently experiencing, was written with the urge of increasing efforts for Peace Education. In fact, in the Year of Skills 2023, the SOLIDAR Foundation urges for a shift, from a labour market oriented education towards an education that highlights peace and global citizenship. 

Moreover, it proposes to highlight the connections between Peace Education and other policy frameworks (education for human rights, global citizenship, global education, and education for sustainable development) and advocates “for more public resources to be given to Peace Education and to the civil society organisations implementing it, using non-formal education and informal learning, ensuring a whole school approach, for all learners, in an inclusive, just and sustainable way”.

To learn more about the importance of Peace Education, read the manifesto here

2023: the European Year of Skills

The European Commission has adopted its proposal to make 2023 the European Year of Skills. 

In a time where the EU economy is slowly transitioning to a more green and digital future, people are being faced with new opportunities that require new abilities. Having the relevant skills empowers people to successfully navigate labour market changes and to fully engage in society and democracy. The goal is that nobody gets left behind in the economic recovery and in the green and digital transitions.  

In order to reach this objective, the European Commission encourages lifelong learning by: 

– Promoting increased, and more effective and inclusive investment in training and upskilling

– Making sure that skills are relevant for labour market needs

Matching people’s aspirations and skill sets with opportunities on the job market

Attracting people from third countries with the skills needed by the EU.

To meet these objectives, the Commission will promote upskilling and reskilling opportunities, for instance by highlighting relevant EU initiatives, including EU funding possibilities, to support their take-up, implementation and delivery on the ground.

To learn more, visit this page and read the proposal made by the EC.

6th International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching, and Learning

The 6th edition of the International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching, and Learning will take place in Budapest, Hungary, on 10 – 12 February 2023.  

This education conference, made by presentations and dynamic networking events, is a platform for leading academics from around the world to express their perspective on where the field of education is headed and what challenges define it at the moment. 

It is possible to join the event in person or virtually, both as an attendee or presenter. 

For more information, visit their website and if you are interested, register online!

Flash cards for Ukrainian children in Italian schools has released an interesting resource, recognized by Save the Children, to support the inclusion of Ukrainian children in Italian schools. 

At this link, you can find the Flash Cards, each of them consisting of a drawing with the corresponding descriptive word in Italian, Ukrainian and English. Blank Flash Cards are also available for being customized as needed. 

The Flash Cards are also connected to an Interactive Vocabulary, which is available at this link

Interested in the project? Take a look!

Project “Scuole aperte partecipate in rete”: an insight into the open school approach

The project, funded by the social enterprise “Con I Bambini,” aims to connect the experiences of Open and Participatory Schools in the national territory through a Network, with the purpose of sharing good practices and supporting ongoing creative processes.

Past projects have shown that creating an open school gives rise to inclusive and generative processes of social ties, enabling the construction of a broad and cohesive educational community, aware of the needs of the people who constitute it. Open schools are an effective and sustainable model against educational poverty, especially thanks to the involvement of parents and students in the planning of activities and co-management of school space. School is designed as a common good to be cared for and enjoyed creatively and shared on different levels: didactic, educational, and social.

Therefore, the aim is to promote and network experiences, enhancing and supporting them at the local level but at the same time enriching the exchange at the national level. It is intended to create an autonomous, responsible and supportive network that promotes the conditions for stable collaboration in the field of combating educational poverty and that raises awareness among civil society and institutions, promoting replicable open school models.

The partnership is extremely rich and solid, with 15 schools involved, distributed throughout the country, from Sicily to Piedmont.

If you want to learn more about the project, click here!

Erasmus Plus: new call for proposals for 2023 and program guide were published!

The European Commission has published the call for proposals for 2023 under the Erasmus+ program!

The Erasmus+ program wants to achieve the following objectives:


through the implementation of four Key Actions:


If you are an organization and/or an institution seeking funding in the framework, have a look at  the programme guide of the Erasmus+ programme, that you can find here! The Erasmus+ Programme Guide is essential to understanding Erasmus+. It provides participating organisations and individuals a comprehensive list of opportunities supported by the programme.

3rd Executive Council meeting and 2nd General Assembly of the Education Inspiring Peace Laboratory

On November 28th, the Third Meeting of the Executive Council and the Second General Assembly of the Education Inspiring Peace Laboratory (EIP Lab) took place in an hybrid form at Villa Ormond, Sanremo (Italy), hosted by the Institute.

In both meetings, the team presented of the active projects of the EIP Lab (CITIZED, Peace Games, Must-A-Lab, PERFECT, Arguing at school, LICEAL) followed by the introduction of the latest project approved (GO TALK) and of those who are in the workings, stressing the importance of creating new synergies among the different projects.

The members of the Executive Council discussed the seat of the Laboratory, and focused on brainstorming around the Research Capacity consolidation, the promotion of Innovative practice, the support for Policy implementation to be provided by the Lab and the organizational development. During the session, a new membership opportunity for school was approved, and the members cooperated in the organization of an EIP Lab event, which will be held in February 2023. 

Stay tuned!

The EIP Lab opens its doors for a visit by the primary school of the Almerini Foundation, in synergy with the activities of the Erasmus + project Peace Games

On November 29, the International Institute of Humanitarian Law hosted the 5th class of the Dante Alighieri primary school of the Almerini Foundation of Sanremo, for a visit dedicated to the discovery of the work of the Institute and the Education Inspiring Peace Laboratory, of which the Institute is a founding member together with the Municipality of Sanremo. 

The visit opened with the presentation of the activities of the Institute and the EIP Lab by Gian Luca Beruto, Deputy Secretary General of the IIHL and Director of the Laboratory. The young students were able to learn about human rights and peace by getting to know the EIP Lab as an international center for the promotion of projects on peace education and citizenship. 

The meeting was also an opportunity to experience some games that inspire peace, selected from the catalogue – available here – produced within the European project Peace Games

The moment of play with children was coordinated by some students of the last year of Liceo G. Cassini, accompanied by Professor Walter Scavello, in order to strengthen the exchange of transversal skills between students of different ages. 

This activity was part of the pilot actions of Peace Games, aimed at launching innovative learning paths for primary and secondary school students, starting from experimenting games that contribute to the development of civic, communicative, intercultural and conflict transformation skills. 

In particular, children were involved in four different games: Peace-War-Peace, The Mind, Feelinks – the game of emotions and Hellapagos.

A final collective reflection was carried out on the appreciation of the activities and the notions learned thanks to the games, and it showed a significantly high level of appreciation and enthusiasm from each side! 

MUST-a-Lab Capacity Building for Policy Lab facilitators

The MUST-a-Lab project Capacity Building for future Policy Labs’ facilitators took place in Sanremo (Italy) from November 23rd to November 25th. 

Facilitators selected by partner cities – Mechelen (Belgium), Vienna (Austria), Livadia (Greece), Modena (Italy) and Fuenlabrada (Spain) – attended the three-day Capacity Building in Villa Ormond to deepen their knowledge about the facilitation cycle, its management and a Policy Lab’s success factors.

Participants shared their city’s chosen challenges, their objectives and previous experiences and practiced the participatory method and facilitation techniques through group works, guided brainstorming, analysis of materials and plenary discussion. 

At the end of the training sessions, facilitators had the chance to start planning their own Policy Labs, laying the groundwork for the future project actions.