Category Archive News

Celebrating the International Day against Violence and Bullying at School including Cyberbullying: UNESCO’s seminar on school violence

On November 4th 2021, the International Day against Violence and Bullying at School including Cyberbullying is celebrated! For this reason, UNESCO will be hosting the seminar Not on my watch, as a part of its mobilization against violence in school.

The event is centered on the role of teachers in creating safe learning environments. In fact, with the right support and training, teachers can help in making schools a safer place for learners and can be at the forefront of efforts to prevent and respond to all forms of violence. To learn more about the event, explore this link!

The event will take place online on November 3rd 2022 at 01:00 PM CET. 

Important info here! The summit is free, but registration is mandatory. In case you are interested in attending the event register here!

Bridge the Gap 2022: an online summit on the issue of Girls’ Inclusivity in Education

On November 2nd, the School of the Future International Academy (SOFIA), in partnership with the Varkey Foundation, will be hosting their annual online summit, the Bridge the Gap 2022

This year’s summit focuses on the issue of girls’ education and gender equality in education and it  aims to inspire all education stakeholders to stand next to the girls around the world and support their right to equal education.

Divided in two sections, The Experts Panel and The Teachers and Students Voice – Roundtable in partnership with Varkey Foundation, this online event aimed to share ideas, key learnings, and solutions on the issue of girls’ education and gender equality in education.

The event will take place online on November 2nd 2022, at 5:00 pm GMT (6:00 pm CET). 

Be careful! The summit is free, but registration is mandatory. In case you are interested in attending the event register using this form! More information on the event can be found here

MUST-a-Lab project updates!

From October 5th to October 7th, the Transnational Project Meeting of the MUST-a-Lab  project took place in Fuenlabrada, Spain, in parallel with a workshop devoted to local policy-makers of the partner cities. The six European Municipalities taking part in the project presented to the partners their best practices and previous inclusive experiences with vulnerable people and, more precisely, asylum seekers and migrants.

Not only the presentations motivated and enriched the exchange within the consortium, but also set a starting point for the upcoming developments of MUST-a-Lab. The meeting was in fact a great opportunity for all partners to work together on the implementation of the next steps of the project. 

As a better and improved involvement of civil society in the designing process of local policies is crucial to develop inclusive policy making, the active engagement of local councilors during the international workshop proved the thorough commitment of the 6 municipalities to MUST-a-Lab.

Stay tuned for more updates, Policy Labs are coming! If you want to share your ideas or if you want to learn more about the projects, contact us at (the project website is coming soon!).


Kick-Off Meeting – LICEAL

On October 4th and 5th, the partners of the recently funded project LICEAL – LInking Citizenship and Employability perspectives in Adult Learning strategies and practices – met online for the Kick-Off meeting of the project! 


The project’s ultimate goal is to support adult learners, particularly those who face difficulties in the labour market and experience social marginalisation, to develop social, civic and relational skills which may contribute to their social inclusion and active participation in democratic life as well as to their employability. Despite being more and more crucial in one’s professional life, these transversal competences are developed in non-job-related adult learning, and need to be included in one’s tool kit to ensure social inclusion and employability. 


Stay tuned for what’s next! 

In the meantime, learn more about the project here.  

Peace Games updates!

During the second week of October, the Peace Games consortium gathered in Malta for the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting of the project! The meeting was hosted by the Maltese Ministry of Education and represented the perfect chance for all partners to share the results of the piloting actions developed in Malta, Italy, France, Austria and Spain. By discussing the results of these actions, the foundations for the next steps were layed.

If you are interested in participating in the project or learn more about the piloting actions do not hesitate to contact us at


Kick-Off Meeting – Arguing at School

On 13th and 14th June, the kick-off meeting of Litigare a Scuola (Arguing at School) took place in Milan (Italy) thanks to the Centro Psicopedagogico per l’educazione e la gestione dei conflitti (CPPP) that, as project coordinator, hosted the meeting. The event represented a crucial moment to start the planning of the first project result though collaborative and interactive workshops among the partnership.

Learn more about the project here.

Promoting the Personal Development of Young People – New book release!

On 16th June, Euan Mackie published his book “Promoting the Personal Development of Young People: Why Personal Agency is important for Families and Education” on the nurture of well-being and personal development of young people. The author presents a wealth of wisdom and practical solutions which develop the positive personal agency of young people in families and education. He wants to strengthen youth abilities and skills to make positive decisions about life and the community through dialogue and self-efficacy.

This book provides a unique basis in citizenship education for all educators, school administrators, teachers, parents and youth leaders as a comprehensive analysis of how personal development can be supported by personal agency in family and institutional life.

Are you interested in the promotion of young development?

More information about the book is available at the following link.

PERFECT: first in-presence meeting

 At the end of April, the partnership of the Erasmus+ project PERform and sHarE loCal hisTories (PERFECT) had the opportunity to attend its first in-presence meeting.  

The need of changing learning strategies and reinforcing teachers’ competences has been the starting point of the project, which focuses on increasing the awareness of needs at the whole school level. Indeed, the aim of PERFECT is to boost the innovation and quality of secondary school through new teaching and learning methods on cultural production and intercultural exchange. 

From 26th to 28th April, the European Design Workshop together with the first Transnational Project Meeting was hosted by the project coordinator, the Lucatelli School, in Tolentino (Italy). During the workshop, the partnership discussed the common vision of the project’s results and engaged in creative working sessions. The last day was then addressed to discuss how to implement an inclusive approach in the project development, collecting the experiences from the partners’ countries.

The Workshop represented the first in-presence activity of the project PERFECT and resulted in a fruitful collaboration among schools, and the other partners, which started conceiving the five cultural products by sharing experiences, suggestions and inputs. 

We are delighted to share with you upcoming developments!

CITIZED & Peace games’ Transnational Project Meetings in Lyon


During the first week of April, the project CITIZED and the project Peace Games have found synergies in Lyon, where partners of both projects gathered for the respective Transnational Project Meetings and for the Peace Games Multiplier Event.

The Transnational Project Meeting of CITIZED took place on 4th– 5th April. Representatives of the entire partnership were present: the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (IIHL), the Fondation des Régions Européennes puor la Recherche, l’Education, et la Formation (FREREF),  the Organising Bureau of European School Student Union (OBESSU); the Ministry for Education and Employment (MFED) of Malta; the “Zentrum POLIS”;  the Université Côte d’Azur (UCA) and Land der Menschen (LdM). The partners discussed, among others, the final phase of the development of the Teachers’ Competences Framework to Implement Citizenship Education and conducted a workshop to progress on the Whole School Approach Support Toolkit.

On the 6th of April, the Fondation des Régions Européennes pour la Recherche, l’Education, et la Formation (FREREF) hosted the Multiplier Event “Building peace: playful and citizenship education”. CITIZED and PEACE GAMES partners, together with relevant local stakeholders, participated in this event, which represented a great occasion to interconnect the projects and to get insights and suggestions from external points of view.

On April 7th, the Transnational Project Meeting of Peace Games took place, hosted by FREREF with the participation of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (IIHL), the Liceo Statale G.D. Cassini (Sanremo), the Ministry of Education and Employment of Malta (MEDE), the Asociación cultural Da2 Trucados, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), the FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, the Evangelische Schule Neuruppin and the Université Côte d’Azur (UCA)During the meeting, the partners presented the first results of the piloting phase and discussed the next steps.

2nd Executive Council meeting of the Education Inspiring Peace Laboratory

On June 1st, the Second Meeting of the Executive Council of the Education Inspiring Peace Laboratory (EIP Lab) was held at Villa Ormond, Sanremo (Italy), hosted by the Institute.

The first part of the meeting was devoted to provide participants with an update on the most recent institutional developments concerning the physical seat of the Lab. The session thus progressed with the presentation of the active projects of the EIP Lab (CHILD-UP, CITIZED, Peace Games, Must-A-Lab, PERFECT and Arguing at school) followed by the introduction of the latest project proposals submitted within different EU funding programmes (LICEAL, IN-DEED and GO TALK), stressing the importance of creating new synergies among the different projects.

The last part of the Executive Council meeting was then dedicated to a brainstorming session focused on some practical overarching issues to be addressed by the body. The key points dealt with concerned the Research Capacity, the promotion of Innovative practice, the support for Policy implementation to be provided by the Lab and the open Communication tasks. During the session, an operational plan for the collection of contributions to be integrated into an EIP Lab newsletter and yearly EIP Lab Report of Activities was also designed and approved. 

Stay tuned for the Autumn event of the EIP Lab!