Category Archive News

Ensuring inclusive teaching and learning for educational recovery: practical ways forward

The global Covid-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the school system worldwide, affecting even harder students who are vulnerable to marginalisation or exclusion. 

On June 22, from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm CET, the international webinar “Ensuring inclusive teaching and learning for educational recovery: practical ways forward”,  co-hosted by UNESCO, the University of Manchester and UNESCO’s International Bureau of Education, will discuss on the teaching and learning improvements needed as schools reopen, through the analysis of promising innovation practices used in different parts of the world.

Bridge+ conference: Skills for the future: regional initiatives now!

The COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis have accelerated the demand for more flexible and higher-level skills of individuals, which brought new challenges to the education sector and the labour market. At the same time, the need for a green and digital transition is increasingly becoming evident. The Bridge+ project has strongly worked in the field of future skills initiatives in order to promote a more dynamic and sustainable European digital future of education and career guidance. Among other realities, regional initiatives can play a key role in providing high quality solutions in the field of education, training and career guidance

For this reason, on June 9th, from 09:30 to 11: 30 CEST, the European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning (EARLALL) will host experts from the European level and from European regions in the webinar “Bridge + conference. Skills for the future: regional initiatives now!” to debate the current state of play of the European Adult Education Agenda and skills policies, as well as to explore innovative digital solutions to be adopted within both the education sector and the labour market.

If you are interested, register here!

A draft version of the agenda is available here.

Vote for CITIZED on NECE CAMPUS 2021!

The project “Policy implementation support and teacher empowerment for CITIZenship Education – CITIZED” is among the candidates of the Call for Projects organised by the Networking European Citizenship Education platform (NECE). NECE is a transnational community of stakeholders and practitioners (formal, non-formal and informal education) of citizenship education (CE) from across Europe.

Every year, NECE organises the NECE CAMPUS, a series of events to promote the exchange between educators, experts and civil society on citizenship education. In addition to conferences and lectures, different organisations get the opportunity to present their projects on citizenship education in the form of online trainings, workshops, lectures, or Pecha Kuchas. 

If you want to give CITIZED the possibility to be presented at the NECE CAMPUS 2021 (vote for it at this link by clicking on the heart symbol! 

Deadline is Monday, 07th June 2021!

Click here to vote for CITIZED!

Bridge 47 – Global Event “Imagine 4.7”

From Tuesday 25th May to Thursday 27th May, the Bridge 47 Network will organise the “Imagine 4.7 Global Event” online conference. The event, a three-days webinar, will bring together different professionals wokring in the field of transformative learning and SDG Target 4.7. Throughout the event, many initiatives, conferences and workshop will take place, tackling relevant issues concerning transformative learning: Sustainability, Global Education and Glocal Citizenship Education.

Find out more about Bridge 47 Network’s webinar here

Council of Europe – Education and Training

The European Youth Foundation, a fund established in 1972 by the Council of Europe with the aim of financially and educationally supporting European youth activities, promotes activities in line with the values and work of the Council of Europe.

The calendar of education and training activities in the 2021 Youth for Democracy programme  is accessible at  the following link:

The future of Education. Leaving no one behind.

The global COVID-19 pandemic has affected the school system worldwide. Although technology has enabled to keep teaching and learning during this difficult time, some issues related to the lack of internet access or its difficult access, which especially affect disadvantaged families, seriously risk to compromise a student’s lifelong learning. 

In this regard, on May 12, at 05:00 pm CEST, ISPI, the T20 National Coordinator and Chair, and Fundação Getulio Vargas are co-promoting the T20 Associated-event “The Future of Education after Covid. Leaving no one behind”, with the aim of discussing the future of education, focusing especially on finding solutions to also include the most vulnerable people.

CoE set of COVID-19-related learning activities were released

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the education of young people. There has been a significant loss of teaching and learning time, the continuity of learning has been severely disrupted, and there are likely to be long-term impacts on learners’ educational outcomes. Everyday life during the pandemic has also raised some serious challenges for educators and young people alike.”

This is the reason why the Council of Europe has developed a set of learning activities that may be used in schools, practices based directly on the challenges raised by the COVID-19 pandemic. All the reported activities are related to one or more of the six themes of the Democratic Schools Network.

For more information, we invite you to visit the CoE’s dedicated webpage here.



The International Institute of Humanitarian Law will host the final conference of the UPPER Project, which will be held online on 27th November 2020.

Due to the current Covid-19 situation, the UPPER partners agreed on converting the former on-site format of the event, into an online conference. An updated version of the programme will be soon released. Equally, a new registration form will be made available in the next weeks.

The conference will gather various actors from the Education area and civil society. Outputs and impacts of the UPPER project will be presented and discussed, and partners of the project will present the EIP Lab and its Service and Sustainability Plan.

Council of Europe RFCDC Teacher Self-Reflection Tool piloting phase is still on, do not miss it!

The piloting of the RFCDC Teacher Self-Reflection Tool will last until 29 May 2020, do not miss the opportunity to take part to it!

The Teacher Self-Reflection Tool aims at supporting teachers and student teachers in developing their democratic professional ethos and competences. It will offer them guidance throughout this process and in their work with the Council of Europe Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC). It can be used as a starter for getting acquainted with the Framework but can also be seen as a very general accompaniment to self-reflection on teaching and democratic competences.

The Council of Europe Education Department invites teachers, teacher trainers and teacher students to take part in this piloting. If you are interested, do not miss this opportunity and fill in the questionnaire now.

For more information on the RFCDC Teacher self-reflection tool, please visit the official CoE website here.

Education Inspiring Peace Lab and FREREF Day

On 22nd October, the Education Inspiring Peace Laboratory (EIP Lab) was officially presented in Italy at Forte di Santa Tecla in Sanremo.

The presentation of the Laboratory was part of a wider initiative named “Ottobre di pace”, a one-month event review, which this year celebrates its 14th edition, focusing on subjects related to the promotion of a peace culture and intercultural dialogue. The presentation of the EIP Lab was led by the International Institute of Humanitarian Law with the contribution of the Sanremo Municipality, represented by two councillors.

The EIP Lab is a spin-off of the “systemic UPscaling of Peace Education pRactices – UPPER”, developed and realized within the framework of the EU ERASMUS+ Programme, which main objective is to contribute to bringing peace, intercultural dialogue and civic participation to the core of education policy and school practice.

The Lab aims at carrying out research, training of teachers and educators, analysis and providing support in formulating education and cultural policies at different institutional levels. It will engage also in conveying the values, principles and the results of its research work, in making available methodological instruments and guidance for schools and cultural institutions, as well as linking up with other similar initiatives worldwide. Among its core instruments, the Lab offers a database of good practices, a self-evaluation questionnaire in the field of peace education for educators (thus approaching the assessment from both an individual and a “systemic” perspective), and an international benchmarking system related to peace education standards.

As from 2020, the Lab is expected to develop training activities in Sanremo for professionals, directed primarily to teacher trainers, as well as workshops and conferences to foster the exchange of experiences among the different stakeholders from the educational environment.

18th November 2019 SAVE THE DATE!

The International Institute of Humanitarian Law Institute will be hosting the FREREF day, the annual conference of the Fondation des Régions Européennes pour la Recherche, l’Éducation et la Formation (FREREF). The conference will focus on the issue “An Active European Citizenship to Build Peace” and will also throw light on the EIP Lab itself.

More information on the FREREF day is available here.

Download the agenda here.

To register for the event, please fill the form here.